
I guy just asked me if i like him and i do what should i say?

by  |  earlier

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  1. say YES!

  2. Well it all depend if you like him or not. DUHHH. If you do say yes if u don't say No its as simple as that

  3. you can either say yes if you do

    or you can say maybe but you will have to ask me to my face

    gives you more time!

    good luck!

  4. say you like him you will never know unless you take a chance

  5. Um duh, tell him you like him.

  6. well if you like him, deff say yes but if you dont try to change the subject....say ur not interested in anybody right now because you dont wanna be in a relationship

  7. yes

  8. say it back if you do like him.

    good luck!


  9. say no. play hard to get

  10. yes. if he is not way older than you.

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