
I hace to babysit a girl tonight. HELP? [ read details ]?

by  |  earlier

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okay, im 14, and I am babysitting a 1 year, and 7 months old .

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---- please give me some tips on how to baby sit, i took classes, but i fell asleep of boredom. HELP !! I have to babysit from 7:00pm - 2:30 am .

and also do you think $250 dollars are too much, for me it's too much, but the parents are paying me $250 and I said no, that i was OK with $40 and they insist. HELP!!




  1. just give them alllllllllooooooootof attention and don leave them by themselves in other words do NOT go to the bathroom and play with them and dont get anoyed if they cry or scream

  2. okay well ur in charge so if she does something bad do not let her do it and be nice to her get her  some juice watch tv with her and draw  and try to have fun

                   good luck :) !!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I am guessing that the kid will go to bed shortly after you get there..  Just hold her, play with her with her toys and then to wind her down for bed put in Barney or Backyardigans for her..  she will be so tired she just falls asleep in your arms I bet and then you can watch a movie, read a book or take a nap - only after you are SURE she is asleep!

  4. Well, you'll really only have 1 1/2-2 hours until she needs to go to sleep, so I suggest doing anything that tires her out. You probably shouldn't let her sit in front of the tv the whole time, try playing tag, and (maybe) hide and seek. If you think she'd get lost again, just go to a room and shut the doors and let her hide in there

  5. Well if the parents absolutely insist on 250 take it. But tell them u really dont want anymore than 100. They one year old i would say play tag with her while the baby is asleep. And make sure you keep her happy then they will ask u back. Just play games and make sure when you are playing dont play a game YOU want play a game SHE wants. And if they have backyardigan or barney movies put them on for her and give her some fruit instead aof popcorn.

  6. Baby sitting comes for me naturally. Ive never taken classes and ive also never had a problem with getting the children to do what they are suppose to. Dont worry too much its very easy. Just make sure you always set your attention on her. At that age they are entertained by anything, so i suggest playin with her toys with her, make funny faces at her, make silly noises. If you keep her laughing and smiling then you know your doing an excellent job. Just keep your nerves down and im sure you will have a great time. Thats my favorite age to baby children they have the best imagination, and will laugh at just a bout anything. I recommend saying they're name in a silly way, they always seem to love that.

  7. take the money and play all day/night with the kids.

    just act goofy and the kids will love you ;)

  8. $250 is a bit too much, but don't frown on your good fortune.  Tell them that you're comfortable with a fair rate of say, $8.00 per hour (being $60 for the evening) but if they insist on giving you $250, take it!

    Also, just play with her.  At that age, they aren't going to care much what you're doing with them.  They typically enjoy books, so you could read to her.  Also, building blocks.  Any of the toys in her home I'd sure she'd be more than happy playing with.  Just sit on the floor and have a blast with her!

    Good luck!

  9. Well if you told them that you were ok with 40 dollars and they said no then just take the 250. Im actually babysitting a 1 year old tonight. Just play with them a little and chase them around and stuff. And when you get tired just turn on some Barney and little kid shows. You will have fun and its easy money!(well if you love kids like I do)

    Good Luck and have fun spending the money! ;)

  10. Well it is way too much. But just accept the money and leave the money in there bedroom. $50 would be more reasonable. Take a backpack with fun things to do and call it the bag of fun.

  11. Just put on a video and have the kid watch it before bedtime.  The child should be in bed by 9.  My 2.5 year old is in bed by 8:30.  That leaves most of the night for you to relax.  Bring a good book (hee hee).  

    Also the going rate for babysitting is $10/hour/child.  So make sure that you charge at least that much.  If the insist on paying you more, gladly accept the money.  

    Good luck!

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