
I had 2 embryo implantation. Both are8 cell development and minimum fragmentation. Will it be successful?

by  |  earlier

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I really want this to be implanted. What should I do to Implant?




  1. It sounds hopeful . . . but at this point, there is really nothing that you can do but wait and see.  Follow the doctors directions for rest and use the progesterone if it was prescribed.

    Try to do what you can to take good care of yourself, take your prenatals, keep a positive attitude . . . during my IVF wait (we transferred 2 3-day embryos, too), DH and I used to walk around the house yelling "STICK" at my abdomen.  If nothing else, it made us smile and made the wait more tolerable!

    Good luck, baby dust & sticky vibes!

  2. I hope that it is successful, all the best of luck!!!!

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