
I had 2 horses from the same race in a lucky 15 bet will my bet be void 1 won in that race?

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I had 2 horses from the same race in a lucky 15 bet will my bet be void 1 won in that race?




  1. half the odds on the winner

  2. Your bet will not be void but unless you paid the stake for two horses in on race,the return will be halved..

  3. no, they`ll ( the bookies ) will half the the price of your winner. ie10/1 will now be 5/1

  4. I would say that the bet would stand with the fact that generally speaking both horses in the same race could win.. They could dead heat in which case the stake pertaining to each would be halved. Or one could win and be disqualified and the other be placed as the winner, so, both won.(or at least you are paid out as if they have) Most bookmakers do this now.

    So, as I view it, you could have your 15 bets up,very unlikely,but possible, so I would still say the bet stands. !!

    Let us know when you go to collect your money !!!

  5. normally the bookie would half devide your stakes between both horses,ie if you have £10 from a previous or later winner,half the stake goes on each does cut your winnings down.having said that all bookies have their own inturpretation .check your bookies rules,dont ask him ,as many are still bent.

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