
I had Breast Cancer and I am having problems such as nerve damage due to the Chemo Treatments. ?

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I am now taking Lyrica. I just want to get back to me again. Chronic pain sucks. I just had reconstruction and can start exercising but I am wondering if anyone else has had the same issues and if it lessened after a while. I had an allergic reaction to the Taxol. It is the last part of the Chemo treatment. The Taxol made me go into Cardiac Arrest. My heart is fine. Got all the test but after the treatment the nerve damage in my feet and lower half of my body is s******g with my quality of life. Well, enough of the whining. I guess I just want to know if I will come back from this. Hope someone can help. Thanks.




  1. As an oncology nurse, this is quite common. Taxanes (like taxol, taxotere and abraxane) can cause this pain. Other chemo drugs are known to cause it too. The pain should decrease over 6 months - 1 year, but may take a full 2 years to resolve. Lyrica and Neurontin are helpful, but have side effects. Vitamin B6 100mg three times a day is recommended to all my patients before even trying lyrica. You can try this to help.

    Try physical therapy. You need to wake up those nerves so they will function normally. Most patients lose muslce strength during treatment. Also, see if you can stop or decrease steroids (if taking any) which can add to decreasing lower body strength.  

  2. I understand your desire to "just get back to me again."

    You have to realize that it can take months, or years, or it may never happen.

    It is hard to accept. But months of chemo and radiation can change your body permanently. It's not like getting over a cold or flu. The treatments can have long-lasting effects.

    Try to get regular exercise (daily) ... this will help your body fight the after-effects of treatment and increase your overall well-being. It also offers a statistical benefit in reducing recurrence rates. Get a well-balanced diet. Be patient.

    I hope you do get back to yourself again. Myself, I am beginning to think it may not happen.

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