
I had UNprotected s*x can you help !!!!should i tell my parents?!?!?!?!?!!!!

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OK so im 13 and had full out unprotected s*x with a senior at my older sisters school (not at the school but at his house) and now i feel like trash and i feel kinda guiltyshould i tell my parents ......... i mean no comdom no pill no anything i feel sooooooooooo bad ...... AND IM NOT A VIRGIN ...... it was kinda a rape cuz he got me drunk first (put liquir in my coke i did not notice) the he had s*x with me i do love him but im not sure what to do ............ SHOULD I TELL MY PARENTS?!?!?!?!?! I DONT WANT MY BOYFRIEND TO GET BUSTED FOR KINDA RAPING ME ........... BUT I LIKED IT .......SHOULD I TELL MY PARENTS?????????????????

please NO critasizom i did not do it on purpose .... i just want to know if i should tell my parents ????!!!!???!!!!!




  1. If hes a senior then he is most likely 17 or 18 making it illegal to have s*x with you in the first place (statutory rape). Then also slipping you alcohol then having s*x with you without your consent is also another form of rape. So yes tell your parents and keep this guy from doing the same thing he did to you to an unsuspecting girl.

  2. maybe not your parents but talk to someone.... its not nice to say that someone raped you when you got drunk and slept with him but now regret it. He might have put it in your drink but you SO know when your drinking you can taste it NOTHING can mask the taste of it. (unless it was drugs then you have a point) but saying someone raped you when they didnt could ruin their WHOLE life.

  3. yeah.but they will probably make you get counseling, ground you for life, and not let you see him again........oh and you know there is a chance you might be pregenent?!?!?!?!??!!?!??

  4. dude he just raped you... it was planned out, he messed with your personal space/privacy. Like did you fight back at all or did you accept it. Dang thats so not right, and your 13? Anyways I suggest you get those things they sell at stores or pharmacys that you dip in urine which lets you know if your pregnant. If so then tell your parents and think if its worth aborting or not. BUT REMEMBER if you do abort it think about this one thing: "No child wants to be born discovering that its hated and rejected by its own mother."

  5. If you didn't do it on purpose, most of the fire would be directed towards your BF by your parents. But you would still get some heat from them. I would not tolerate your boyfriend's action. You may love him, but no one who loves you would ever secretly pour alcohol in your drink and have his way with you without your consent. I would go ahead and bust him, but I'm saying that because I don't have strong feelings for him.

    Go talk to him and see how he feels about it. If tries to make it the citation lightly or make it seem that you're not flexible, saying "lighten up" or "I was joking" the man's a jerk and doesn't deserve you. If he takes the talking seriously, then there's hope for him.

    Personally I feel that he's using your feelings to control you, but that accusation is without base.

  6. calm down.

    tell your parents.

    learn how to spell & gain some sense!

  7. UHM, HUNNY, yes tell your parents if it was rape.. but it all depends on if you wanted to. thats what defines rape to me. because some couples could be 17 and 18, and its still considered rape, but still. if this kid is freakin you and he's 5 years older, then yes, thts bad, thts insane, you could be pregnant baby... im definately praying for you tonight darling

  8. well I'm 14, so i can sorta help u with this, um..... I wouldn't tell my parents unless i got pregnant but, if u really think u should tell them then them, but it depends what they would do. Just tell them the whole story ike u posted on here.

  9. Don't tell your parents unless you're pregnant. They'll get REALLY mad. But if you think the guilt is going to torture you for the rest of your life and you simply CAN'T go on, then tell them and live with the consequences. And it's only rape if you said no. Flat out. And if it was in fact rape, then YES, tell someone as soon as you're ready. No one should have to deal with that kind of pain at such a young age. Good luck! Hope I helped.

  10. well u need to talk to someone because u obviously feel really really bad

    either talk to you ur parents

    or someone at school

    be careful because u can be pregnant

  11. girl calm down.

    you have to tell somebody about this so you don't feel so bad.

    if you feel like you have to tell your parents then do.

    when i'm very very worried i pray. it really helps me.

    don't think youre pregnant. just wait for your period and if you don't get then make a desition

  12. dude u can taste liqour


    if it really was "rape" tell ur parents

  13. gurl i kno how u feel

    im 14 nd im kinda in tha same situation

    but dont worry.

    take a preg test and if ur pregnant u should DEFINETLY tell ur parentz.

    i mean ther tha onli onez that can basicalli help u newayy

    otherwise i wuldnt tellem unless ur pregnant.

    gud luck gurll.

  14. Uh yeah!...well how bout u tell someone?..maybe yer school nurse or something to see if she can tell u what some signs of an STD might be like or if yer pregnant!...duh!...gosh how could u do and someone knows when theirs alcohol in their drink...its not like its a pill!....and what the heck are u doing with someone thats like 17 or 18?...dont u have ther things to think about like Hannah Montana? i wish u the best luck to u little girl....this might be the biggest mistake of yer life!

  15. Don't tell your parents until your pregnant or have an STD.

    It will just make your parents not trust you anymore.

  16. tell ur parents RITE NOW

  17. well, ideally, yes you should tell your parents, if no other reason than for health purposes.  YOU COULD BE PREGNANT!!!  If you feel like you can't tell them, you better see if you miss a period, and if you do, get your butt to your doctor.  They won't have to tell your parents, but it would be a lot easier for you if they knew so they could help you.

    You're way too young to be having s*x, or to be drinking things that you didn't WATCH someone prepare.  You have some growing up and maturing to do... I just hope you're not pregnant and that you can learn from this.  Get your own drinks when you're out!!!!  

  18. umm, its not rape if your kinda were okay with it or liked it...

    so like you couldnt smell the liquor or taste it?

    and like you shouldnt stay with him if he spiked your drink,besides the whole possible rape.

    and most likely ya'll wont stay together anyways, he doesnt sound like such a great boyfriend since he took advantage of you like that

  19. you should tell them, but only when you are ready. dont let guilt eat you up inside. just do what you think is right, its your choice, not anyone elses. only the truth will set you free.

  20. YES! you should tell your parents because later on you could have effects (find out pregnant, flash backs-thoughts of being raped) and their going to wonder why you didn't tell them.

  21. first of all, relax. it must have been a mistake and you must feel guilty, but thats normal.

    im 13 and a half too, but ive never had s*x before.

    if he really did rape you, tell someone.

    personally, if i was in that situation, i wouldnt tell my parents.

    but if you feel like the guilt is coming to hard on you, tell them.

    talk to you boyfriend before and maybe ask your friend what they think.

    the most important thing for you to do is calm down and know everything is going to be fine.

    i hope i helped because i know what being a teen does to your mind.

  22. If it was RAPE, then yes!

    If it wasnt/kinda was but you LIKED it .. (weird but ok) then .. no?

    Just dont be pregnant. =/  

  23. would you have had s*x with him when you weren't drunk? now that is the question. because if you would have- that means it wouldn't be rape. if you wouldn't- that makes it rape and your parents need to be told. also, you can taste booze. also if you liked it, that means it's not rape. so idk what to tell you. if you aren't pregnant, i would leave it alone.

  24. Wow, what he did is not only illegal, but it's morally wrong! You have to tell your parents. Seriously, a senior having s*x with a 13 year old? That's pathetic, someone should kick his a**.

    If you end up pregnant, he's really screwed. So, you might as well tell them the truth before it's too late. Even if you LIKED it, what he did was illegal - he intentionally put alcohol in your drink! Send his butt to jail!

  25. Yes  of course of someone older go now tell them

  26. It's totally up to you to decide whether to tell your parents

    we dont know your parents and dont know how they will react only you do so that is up to you

    if you were ready to have s*x you should be able to make this desicion yourself

    now i know he put liquir in your coke without you know but its not really considered rape unless you told him you did not want to have s*x and he presisted

    if there was no sign of resistence on your side its not considered rape

    what you should do is go down to a clinic and make sure you are all right like not pregnant or anything becuase you dont want to wait to long before you cant do anything  

  27. Y would u love a guy who had to get u drunk to have s*x? get over wit diz guy forget bout him u could tell he is not worth it for u and your parents i think u should tell them wat he did or u will feel horrible later on

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