
I had a C-section for my 1st, which should I choose this time?

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I had a c-section for my first child 2 years ago. I have the option to have a vaginal birth or c-section this time. My doctor said I could do the vaginal birth this time if I choose to because for my first I had an emergency c-section just because he was breech. What your your thought on which one to choose for the 2nd time around?




  1. im pregnant with my 7th bub 8th pregnancy due to a loss and i had to have a cesar with my last because i had placenta previa and im opting for a cesar this time because ill be getting my tubes tied but hun it you want to try a a vbac go for it  

  2. You should do what you feel. I had a c-section with my first baby and chose to have another with my second.

    Rad-Tech, my recovery after my second c-section was a lot quicker. Also, you're right, there are a lot of complications that could happen  while having a vaginal birth after c-section.

  3. If your Dr is happy with a VBAC then I would definitely try it. I also had a c-section for a breech baby and wanted to have a VBAC but complications with my second baby meant that I had to have another c-section. I have a friend who just had a VBAC (also after a breech baby) and she is very pleased that she did. The recovery is so much easier after a vaginal delivery which is much more important second time round when you also have a toddler to take care of.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!

  4. I had a vag birth with my first baby, induced with second (result in c-section), c-section with #3. It is true healing is faster and less painful with the 2nd c-section. Honestly with having a baby both ways I would op for the repeat C-section.

    I tor bad with the first one which took me over a year to feel normal again (even in the s*x department) VERSES six weeks for a c-section.

    It also sucks to be in labor for hours, push for two and still end up with a c-section

  5. I had a c-section 3 years ago. and i am choosing to have another one in sept. already sched. and everything. it's just something im more comfortable with, i know what to expect.  

  6. i had a emergency c- section with my first one and 2 because i already have a scar why open something else

  7. do what is right for you how did you feel about having the c section were you disappointed? did you find it hard to look after your little one after it? if yes then don't get another one  

  8. It's up to you of course, but depending on if your baby is breeched or not.  You may still end up doing a C-section, but I'd suggest if your baby is engaged to have a vaginal delivery.

    It's the most amazing experience to be there. . . pushing your baby out and getting to see your child come out of you!  It's wonderful and all natural.  ^_^

  9. If you wanted the experience of a vaginal birth, go for it. They will still monitor you closely because of your previous C-section, but there have been plenty of successful VBAC's

  10. whatever you feel comfortable with

  11. My ob would not allow me to have a normal birth after c - sec my state stopped it because it is so dangerous i would recommend you having another c-sec because of the RISK in death for you and the child.


    This really, really isn't true.  At all.  Please do your research about the safety of VBACs.  Ask your doctor for research or look it up on your own.  The risk is minimal, and less than the risk of a repeat c-section.  

    I have been to several successful VBACs and the emotional and physical rewards that these moms have expressed is just amazing.  

  12. I saw that several people have already answered but I will go ahead and answer. My sister-in-law had her first 3 years ago by C-section and she is going to try to have a vaginal birth this time around but the doctor is going to go ahead an schedule a C-section as well just in case she can't they are scheduling it about 7 days after her due date to give her time to go into labor.

    Since your's was because of him being breeched you have a chance that you could go into labor and not have to have a C-section. You should do what you are comfortable with. If you go with labor and they have to do a C-section anyways your are not out anything so you could always try that.

    My sister-in-law said she missed a lot of things with a C-section because they put her to sleep she wasn't awake when they got the baby so my brother got to hold her first and they actually took the baby to be washed before they let her see the baby. So, we saw the baby from a distance before she did. That is why she wants to try to go into labor. Good luck with everything hopes this helps.

  13. definetly.. its definetly something every woman should be able to experience.

  14. Having had 3 children and 2 by c-section, go with natural. The recovery time is so much faster and easier. Doctors will give you drugs if you can't take the pain but once the baby is out, that's it... NO MORE PAIN. And your up and running in no time. My first was natural, 2nd and 3rd by c-section. Personally, if I could I would have done natural everytime.  

  15. My ob would not allow me to have a normal birth after c - sec my state stopped it because it is so dangerous i would recommend you having another c-sec because of the RISK in death for you and the child.

  16. I am choosing c-section whenever I have another child, because I know exactly what it will be like, and I hear that the 2nd recovery is always much easier than the first :)  Plus, alot of complications can arise while having a vaginal birth after c-section.

  17. talk to your dr.  there are some minimal risks with a vaginal birth following a c-section,  in fact there are a few hospitals in the US that have policies prohibiting them due to these possible complications (there's a name for them but my son is now 3 and I forget)  I had 2 c-sections (my pelvis prohibits vaginal births), the second was so much easier,  I don't know if there is permanent nerve damage from the first, but, I bet every woman you ask who has had more than one c-section will tell you the same thing.  The recovery is such a nonissue the second time.  good luck whatever you decide.

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