
I had a CT scan and there was a very small calcification on the side of my heart should I be concerne?

by  |  earlier

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If only you had a brain ,CT stands for very big words which you would not understand ,not waht you think it is tiny brain




  1. I will not pretend to prescribe anything because a cometent cardiologist only after seeing the CT report will be able to comment.

    However here are some points to consider:

    1. Kindly show the report to a cardiologist

    2. get an angiography done.

    3. Normally, unless you have some persistent symptoms (palpitation of heart when running light, etc), you need not worry.

    4. Whether your report says so or not, it always helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle like proper diet, moderate physical activity, low stress and proper sleep.

  2. Your so careless to write mean **** on my questions so youll get it back.

    Who gives a **** about you?

    Since when did YOU become a ******* boss?

    Sicko, excuse me while i puke.

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