
I had a Dream last <span title="night................................?">night.......................</span>

by  |  earlier

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that I got Rock Band! I was sooo happy and my brother was playing the drums. Then I woke up and I was confused. Why?




  1. because you woke up from a hard night of drinking ... not wanting to realize those drums he was pounding on really hurt now?...... lol........

    dunno boy.... lay off the crack pipe a day or two. ....everything should heal up fine

  2. lol. y was will playin the drums though? was he good??? lol. ok.. answer the question.. ok. u we&#039;re confused cause u want the game dude! like, i used to do the same thing with the wii.. (now that i look back on it though it&#039;s kinda stupid that i did though..)

  3. You were confused because it wasn&#039;t real. lol

    You probably just really want the Rock Band game. I know i do. (:

  4. You know that sounds kind of funny.  Where you reading something or watchign someting similar to that on T.V or in a book?

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