I had a McDonald's McGriddle today for the first time... And I don't get the appeal. Who likes them and why? Please explain the appeal.... The McGriddle I had was so heavy on my stomach. I ate mine at 10:00 AM today and still felt the affects of it inside my body and intestines until late evening. I've had German food that was less heavy on the stomach and caused less bloating.
Honestly, the taste combo wasn't bad but the affects of the breakfast sandwich were way too much. How could you enjoy one of those everyday? I've had Egg McMuffin's daily for one week and never got tired of the taste or the feel of them. Enjoyable. McGriddle....been there, done that, let's move on.
I believe in people making up their minds on what they want to eat on a daily basis, but I cannot endorse someone eating these "sandwiches" on a regular basis. Food like this gives fast food a bad name. They should call it the McAttack because of the heart attack that will ensue after eating.