
I had a Supertarget interview.....

by  |  earlier

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There was a job fair for a new supertarget opening in the area. Its going on today and tomorrow, but I had preapplied, at their hiring kiosk, and was called to schedule an interview. So while the bajillion of people waiting in line to actually apply, I was back being interviewed already, which was pretty nice. I went through two of them. The first one was like "what days are you available?" "Why do you want to work for us?" etc....the lady said i was reallly pretty, and that I seemed like a huge people person, which was a great compliment. Then I had a second interview, with another lady, who I dont think found me too interesting, but nothing bad. She said Id hear back in two weeks, since right now, there hiring higher positioned people or something like that. Is that possible? Or is that a way to let me go easliy or something? Idk, I feel really confident about this...BUT, the fact that there were so many applicants, scares me!




  1. waefawefwea

  2. I would not worry, in those mass hiring you are one of hundreds to be interviewed.  You made it to a second interview which is more than alot of the people who applied can say.  Try calling back next week to see where they are in the hiring process and speak to a member of management or personnel.  They are the ones who will offer you a position and it show you are still interested in working for them.  Good luck!!

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