
I had a baby 4 and a half months ago

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i had a baby 4 and a half months ago and had s*x with a condom exactly 8 weeks after he was born hes now 19-20 weeks old. iv been feeling pregnant. i havent came on my period cause im breast feeding. my stomach feels weird sumtyms. i feel more alret and awake in the morings like i did with my 1st, has any1 else had this?.. iv taken 2 negative tests ohhh and my wee smells funny 2 like it did with my 1st




  1. Why not go get a blood test. That's really all the info I can give, I'm no doctor so the only way to know for sure is to get a test, but if it's been over 2 months since you had unprotected s*x and you took two pregnancy test, both saying negative, then I doubt you are.

  2. Could be pregnancy, buy a home preg. test if it comes back neg call your doc and set an appt. you could have an infection...

  3. breast feeding does not stop pregnancy

  4. You could have a urine infection, or you could be pregnant. contact your gp, straight away.

  5. Then maybe your up the duff, my friend.

  6. take another test in a few days!

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