
I had a baby 4 weeks ago, all of a sudden I have been having blood clots after my period was slowing down???

by  |  earlier

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After 4 weeks, my period was still intact but less. Then all of a sudden, I have this urge to go to the bathroom because I feel a gush coming (sorry if ur grossing out) and then blood clots. It happens two times in a day, one after the other, the second less. It has happened for 3 days now, at exactly the same time interval (between 12-1pm) and I called my doctor and it's normal...I hate when they use the word it's normal OR it's a virus etc etc. I cant go out if this happens because I need access to a bathroom like right away...has this ever happened to any women after having a child???? how long did it last???

Also...I had fibroids during pregnancy and a cyst in my ovary, dont know if that has to do with it...It did not happen with my first child.




  1. Yes it's happened to me, I believe most women pass clots, after having a baby.  If I remember correctly it is from the open wound inside the body, where the placenta was once attached.  I remember I probably bled for two months, but it wasn't always clots.  If the clots are really large, I think the size of an egg, then there should be some concern.  If all your doctor says "It's normal." then respond with something like, "If it's normal, can you tell me why, or what is it?"  That sounds silly, but if we don't elaborate, they will just leave it at, "It's Normal."  Believe me, I can't stand that statement either.

  2. A sudden increase in post partum bleeding is a sign that you're overdoing it.  Try getting more rest and not being so active.  Your body is still healing.

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