
I had a baby May 23rd, & he's sleeping well at night but I still feel tired all the time What could be wrong?

by Guest62727  |  earlier

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I had a baby May 23rd, and he is sleeping well at night. But when I wake up in the morning I am still feeling tired all the time. I feel like I have no energy at all. What could be wrong with me? I can't figure it out, I should have more energy than I do because I'm only 27 years old.




  1. It could be because of low B12 levels. It's fairly common with women in post pregnancy especially when they stop take their prenats. I have a 6 months old baby who sleeps thru night since he was 2 months old. and even then i was feeling extremly fatigue and tired. my doctor advised to check B12 levels and sure enough I was low on B12 and iron. talk to your doctor about it.

  2. This is a common symptom of postpartum depression.  How do you feel otherwise?  Are you back to work?  Feel a little angry at things you wouldn't normally be?  If you don't feel you are suffering from this VERY common ailment, it could just be because you are doing more during the day with your new addition to your family.  

  3. If you are breast feeding or pumping this takes a lot of your own bodies nutrients and vitamins.  You can continue to take your prenatal vitamins after you gave birth to your baby.  This should help you with your energy.  Unfortunately some woman get Post Pardum Depression and it could happen even up to a year after having a baby.  With depression you can feel very run down, sleepy, lonely, and depressed.  Its best to see your ob/gyn since a simple anti-depressant for the time being could help.  But in the mean time if you are breast feeding... increase your calorie intake and take those vitamins.  Feel free to email me with anymore questions.

    Also if you had a c-section the recovery time can be twice that of a vaginal delivery!

  4. Looking after a baby can be very tiring.

    How much sleep are you getting a night? If its less than 6 hours, then there is your reason for being tired. 8 hour would be ideal.

    As well, how are your eating habits? Your iron may be low or you could have other vitamin deficiencies. Take a daily multi vitamin. Centrum makes a good one. And make sure you are eating every 3 hours or so, but smaller meals.

    You can also try to make your bed more comfortable for a better nights sleep by adding more pillows and a mattress pad.

    Do however see your doctor.

    Hope you feel better soon... its something I remember when my kids were small.

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