So about a month or 2 ago, my skin started breaking out- BAD. I've always had a few pimples here and there along with blackheads, but I keep it under control with face washes. I think it was stress because there's a lot going on in my life. Anyway, I started washing my face with a face cleanser and then using astringent... I did this twice a day. Once every week or so I skip my night time routine and replace is with Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask to dry out the pimples and minimize my pores. I went the first week without make-up as well (which is hard because I need to look professional for work). If anything, it just keeps getting worse! I haven't had a break out like this since I was 13 or 14. I'm almost 19... shouldn't I be getting less acne? lol
Anyway, if you can recommend some products for severe or stubborn acne, it's be great! Also, what's a safe foundation/cover-up I can use that will clog my pores as little as possible? I need to look professional for work, and this acne looks awful. I start my second year of college next Monday and I don't want to be full of pimples!