
I had a bad acne breakout over the past month and it just keeps getting worse- help?

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So about a month or 2 ago, my skin started breaking out- BAD. I've always had a few pimples here and there along with blackheads, but I keep it under control with face washes. I think it was stress because there's a lot going on in my life. Anyway, I started washing my face with a face cleanser and then using astringent... I did this twice a day. Once every week or so I skip my night time routine and replace is with Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask to dry out the pimples and minimize my pores. I went the first week without make-up as well (which is hard because I need to look professional for work). If anything, it just keeps getting worse! I haven't had a break out like this since I was 13 or 14. I'm almost 19... shouldn't I be getting less acne? lol

Anyway, if you can recommend some products for severe or stubborn acne, it's be great! Also, what's a safe foundation/cover-up I can use that will clog my pores as little as possible? I need to look professional for work, and this acne looks awful. I start my second year of college next Monday and I don't want to be full of pimples!




  1. Omg the answers you got to your question are scary!! First of all, do NOT use alcohol because it will dry out your face way too much which will just be another skin problem you won't like! Also-  there is adult acne, so unfortunately, even as adults we can't escape it. :-(  

    I've recently created a website because I've always had bad skin problems too but I've seen success with natural products (like the Juicy line). You can check out my website here : I am going to be putting up my recommended products soon so stay tuned!!

    Good luck :-)


  2. Aside from Proactiv and Clean and Clear systems, which worked for me at least, I also tried this prescription cream called Benza Clin, which worked really well, but dries out your face, so you should use it at night and then use a moisturizing wash or lotion in the morning.  Also try Differin (also prescription).

  3. WELL... are you going to toilet for a poo regularly? because if not this is why those acnes are coming out.. and you need to take internal medicines for this.  another, is taking sweets from drinks and candies and chocolates.. one caused.

    dont use foundations or make ups.. this will worsen your face. just wash it.. then, put some acne meds.. and if you can intake.. that will help

  4. proactiv or the clean and clear 3 step program

  5. See a dermatologist.

  6. Acne is a problem that you do not want.  As a teenager we often experience this difficulty and feel very embarressed about it.  The very simple cure that I found is to use rubbing alcohol and put it on liberally the first few time but, make sure that you do it twice a day for 2 days and then once a day.  Your acne will disappear immediately.  Alcohol drys out the moist and oily conditions in and on your skin which promote the bacteria that causes acne,  When you apply rubbing alcohol the first time it will sting but, perserve, it will quit stinging.

    Upon the first application, the stinging is as a result of the bacteria being destroyed.  You will be pleasantly surprised with the results and the cost of alcohol is minimal in relation to other products which are sold for acne and, really don't work eficiently.

  7. "replace is with Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask to dry out the pimples and minimize my pores. I went the first week without make-up as well (which is hard because I need to look professional for work). If anything, it just keeps getting worse!"

    Are you still using this? It seems like after you started applying this, everything turned bad.

    Edit: I'd suggest a mild soap, and avoid the acne products. Most of them are crappy ads. See a dermatologist if you feel it's getting out of control.

    Drink water to cleanse the skin, avoid junk food, and see if eating fruits and vegetables clear them up. The body will repair itself when it's good and healthy.

    Edit 2: I used one of the Neutrogena products years ago. Didn't do a thing. I just try to maintain a good diet, and wash my face with this Clinique acne soap. $10, works pretty well.

    Hope your face clears up soon. The doctor/derma can prescribe a type of antibacterial cream that'll help recovery. Might be worth the visit. In any case, acne will slowly go away in a few days. Just be patient and don't think of what others will say about you.

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