I was astral projecting, but it failed, so I went back to sleep. Then in the dream, I was inside my mom's body. I know. It's weird. Then
I could feel that tampon she put in her v****a. I can feel her v****a too. I can feel the pain that th tampon created. Then the whole family and I was at a warehouse. Next, I saw my own body being controlled by my own mother. She put make-up on my body's face. Then I went my in my body with no make-up on. I was at the kitchen when I saw a dog behind the door. For no reason, I opened the door and decided to grappled the mouth with my hands. I had an urge to wrestle it. Next, I was at my room. I saw bugs under my brother's bed, and I couldn't kill them because they were very fast. Then I warned my brother about the bags and went to sleep. Then I had a dream in a dream that says something about sins. I saw a list and it was Satanic for some reason. Then I woke up.