My father died of Cancer in March of this year. He was going down hill fast from January and it was not a suprise when he did pass.
But last night I had a dream that he was still alive, but still sick, And for some reason or another he had lost both of his legs. (He had both legs to the day he died.)There was a fire that was coming at us and I had to carry him out of his house and to the field next to their creek to be able to save him and me.
As I got farther away from the house, my father got smaller, Lighter, and thiner, until he was just a shell. Like only the skin but with out bones. I put him on the ground next to the creek but he died there anyway. I felt so sad and helpless, and I woke up crying. I understand the feeling sad and helpless, but I feel lost about the thing with the legs.
Anyone have thoughts on this?