
I had a bed bug infestation in my apartment and I'm going to be moving soon. What Things can i do to prevent

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the bed bugs from traveling with me? PS i already threw away my bed and couches.




  1. Heat will kill bed bugs. The apartment complex where my son works uses heat. The literature varies with the stated temperature needed, but try heating the infected space, maybe with electric space heaters, to at least 130 degrees F, for at least three hours. Some literature suggests 155 is better.

    You might drape any windows to keep them from expanding too much from the heat. They could crack.

    Since you live in an apartment, show this to your landlord. It will be much cheaper than calling in the exterminator, and probably more effective. He might be happy to do it for you.

  2. Your pillows and quilt need to be treated/replaced.

    Regards. UK

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