
I had a bump the size of a dollar coin, so i scraped it, filled it, sanded it, primed it, painted it. but...?

by  |  earlier

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the paint looks flat in that area, any reasons? how can i avoid doing that?




  1. it will look different because its a sanded surface as opposed to a smooth primed surface with no mud underneath the primer. You need to sand an area around the spot about 2x2 ft. and prime that well and paint over blending into the old paint as best as possible. Thats all it is, sanded surface vs. smooth surface

  2. Sherwin Williams has " orangepeel" spray for that problem.

    It gives the same texture as the surrounding painted  area.

    Good stuff.

  3. Sounds like you didn't use any primer.

    You must always use primer when you patch anything.

    Putting more coats of paint won't help. You need to prime it and than put on your finishing paint. That will stop the paint from looking flat in that area. Good Luck

  4. If you used drywall mud, put another coat or 2 of paint on it, unprimed drywall or drywall mud (joint compund) needs a primer.

  5. the primer is important but likely has nothing to do with differences

    the paint was likley applied with a roller previously and you may have used a brush, you will need to get a small roller to duplicate the previous applicarion methods if this is so.

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