
I had a chubby cousin....and now?

by  |  earlier

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i haven't seen him, but his sister told me he's gotten very slim. he's gone from about 250 lbs. to 170 or something like that. i think it's great. she says he walks alot. a few miles a day. he's been transient and homeless for quite sometime.

then she mentioned to me that he's staying with her and loves cooking.

not only does he love to cook, he loves fatty and fried foods. regularly. now he's been maintaining this size for about a year. he's in his late 30's. he's been heavy his whole life. my thoughts went straight to drugs. i didn't want to offend her. she happensto be a nurse. she's always been very defensive of her brother. his lifestyle and incarcerations have always been 'someone else's fault or a set up. she's either in denial or maybe i'm wrong. maybe you can fry everything in butter and lose 80 lbs. just by walking a few miles a day.

i figure it's none of my business, but i'd hate to think he's doing drugs in her home around her two little ones. she seems like an enabler, but again, she's seeing him daily and i haven't seen him in years.

advice? drop it and mind my business? i'd hate to think she's in the dark, really.




  1. You don't have to do drugs to loose weight. You have a pretty active imagination there. Grow up. He is making his life better. MYOB DA!

  2. I would try and see if there are any other warning signs. I just don't think that is enough reason to assume he is a druggie. Unless he was a previous junkie then you would have reason to be suspicious.

  3. Well, Actually I can help in this situation...When I met my now husband, I was 275 pounds...I was a size 24 going on a size 26.. I lost 100 pounds over 9 months... what changed was my walking,and eating habits, I LOVE cooking...I started frying things, like chicken in a non saturated fat olive oil, and didnt batter the chicken, I ate french fries, but a controlled portion only; fried in like I said before, non saturated fat olive oil, I started changing my diet completely,like having raw veggies in my daily diet,My big thing was pop, or soda... I completely stopped drinking it all together, went to sweet tea, to kool-aid leamonade,which barely had any sugar... and even now after 3 pregnacies, I have still kept off 100 pounds. What she is telling you could be absolutely true. When a person Totally changes their eating habits,and sticks to it.. which eventually turns into a way of life, it could very much be life changing,even in weight.. completely without any drugs whatsoever... I hope this gives you some kind of peace, because if he has done what I did, it takes a whole lot of self control and determination to achieve it. Hope this helped!  

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