
I had a colposcopy 2 and a half weeks ago and I got a message from my doctor today......?

by  |  earlier

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...saying that the results came back normal but he went ahead and scheduled me for a cone biopsy next week! I'm really confused here because he said that the test came back NORMAL. Does it make sense to anyone to have this procedure done even though no problems have been identified? I think that the only reason my pap smear came back abnormal was because I had s*x the night before the test.




  1. yeah.

    I had the same thing done. Saying I have abnormal cells. but I had s*x the night before too.

  2. No, that does not sound normal.  I have never heard or read of having a normal result and then going for a cone biopsy.  

    If I were you I would either call my doctor and ask WHY he would do that or get a second opinion from another gynecologist.  

    I had several biopsies done and the results did come back somewhat abnormal and never once did they want me to have a cone biopsy.  They wanted me to come back in three months for another pap.

    Please let me know what happens if you can.

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