
I had a couple of strange dreams about Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. The first dream I ever had was with ?

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the Blessed Virgin Mary. The dream was the supposedly I was at my grandparents house. In my hand I had a Catholic Bible opened and and bottle of Holy Water. Everyone in my family was in the living room when suddenly there was a fire in my grandparents room. The fire start spreading from my grandparents room to the living room. When I noticed that, I proud the holy water into a straight line on the floor and the fire just stopped in that spot where I poured the holy water. I got everyone outside when my aunt pointed into the clouds and when I looked up I saw the Clouds forming the Virgin Mary sad looking and baby Jesus. I remember telling my family that she was with us because we are not following the ten commandments, that we were behaving horribly.

The other dreams I had included me being the only one seeing Jesus in white with a blue sash over His shoulder, but every time I would blink he was gone. I had at least two-three dreams like that.

Then last night I dreamed that there was a week off of school. The school was sponsering a trip to Africa and my parents let me go. When I got there we were passing a basketball court with Africans playing basketball. There I saw Jesus in the same way I saw him before. I blinked a few times and He was still there. I smiled and waved at Him and He waved back, but he looked kind of sad. The strange thing I noticed was that as the African boys played basketball, they never got to close to Jesus, they just went around Him.




  1. Change your meds and stop eating spicy foods before going to bed.

  2. Your dream here is obviously governed by the teachings you have learned. And the spicy food you eat before you go to sleep.

  3. to dream of jesus in this way  shows fortitude and consolation in adversity are forecast

  4. To see Jesus in your dream, foretells that your greatest desires and goals will be realized. This dream serves to console and strengthen you in your times of adversity, hardship and struggle. You will rise above any situation and circumstance and become victorious.

    To dream that Jesus speaks to you or that you are praying with Him, signifies that you will be blessed with true peace of mind, joy and contentment.

    To see the Virgin Mary in your dream, signifies spiritual harmony and/or ideal motherhood. Alternatively, the Virgin Mary represents a repressed fear of sexuality or difficulties in relationships.

    To see an African American in your dream, signifies your roots and heritage. You may need to discover the soul within your own self. Additionally, you are ready to be more expressive and creative.

  5. You are seeing legitimate dreams.  Jesus see that you have something in your heart to reach your family and he's trying to reach you.  He's showing you that you NEED HIM in your life.  He's calling you to Him.  The Virgin Mary was his mother, but she has no way of helping you.  The Holy water, Holiness keeps the evil out of our life.  I grew up Catholic, but never learned how to go to Heaven.  There are some Catholic churches that teach about being Born Again.

    God loves everyone and doesn't want anyone to perish (go to h**l!).  He'll reach us however He can - dreams, events in our lives, etc..

    John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me"  The Bible teaches that all men have fallen short of God's glory and are sinners in need of a Savior. (Romans 3:23, Romans 5:1-21)  Jesus taught in Matthew 7:13-27 that there are two roads to choose from.  One road is the wide road that leads to destruction.  The other is the narrow road that leads to eternal life.

    Say this Prayer!  Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God and you died for my sins and were risen from the dead.  Forgive me my sins,  wash me and cleanse me.  I forgive everyone who has ever hurt me.  Come into my heart and make me yours.  Make yourself even more real to me.  Thank you for your forgiveness and salvation.  Fill me with your Spirit & Guide my life Lord!

    It's an awesome journey!!!  & it's for eternity.  Tell your family.

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