
I had a disgusting dream I had s*x with my dad. What does this mean?

by Guest65739  |  earlier

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I had a dream my whole family was having an orgy and I had s*x with my dad and the rest of the family were having s*x with each other. I amnot involved in incest nor do I care to be. I actually felt disgusted. What does this mean? No perverts allowed, please.




  1. just forget about it.....its just a dream

  2. there are no dreams, sounds to me as if u have found the reason for being in this family..... which is what u must have been wondering.....  

  3. Actually, your dream isn't about s*x at all. The orgy in your dream is telling you that you have too much going on in your life right now and that everything is chaotic. Having s*x with your father usually means that you feel protected by him and admire certain qualities in him that you want to have to. So see, it's not as bad as you thought!

  4. To dream of incestuous practices, signifies erotic desires. It may also be representative of the union between masculine and feminine aspects of yourself. You are in a phase in your life where you are not quite a child and not quite an adult, and thus this dream may be symbolic of the merging of the child and adult within yourself.

  5. Hey Abigail, No need to worry at all, dreams that are about s*x seldom are. This dream simply means that in some way you either feel close to your dad, or you feel that you are empathizing with him.

    I had a dream like this; and like you I felt disgusted. I let myself off the hook when I realized that I had been noticing how much my dad and I had in common in waking life. I was empathizing with him symbolically by having that dream.

    Everyone knows that daughters don't want s*x with their fathers. You are brave for asking- I admire your boldness.

  6. Dreams are not very realistic and this dream just seems that you think your family is really close. Your conscious plays out different scenarios and sometimes it goes a awry, so no worries, more people then you think had the same or a similar dream.  

  7. It's really hard to put my thoughts into words on this one, but I think that is the same inhibition that caused this dream. You would never have s*x with your father, but who has influenced you more in your idea of the perfect mate? The things you love about your father are something you will be looking for in a mate and the things you dislike about your father will be the things you stay away from. This is true to some extent with every male you've ever known, but your father has been there since day one and you've loved him since day one, so that creates a "control group" in a sense.

    This is just something that's been on the back of your mind and was for whatever reason brought to the surface and went crazy. The idea that it started with an orgy is simply because this is a truth that's the same for everybody. The reason I think you felt uncomfortable about the dream was just because of the shock value. Remember: Morals control our actions, not our minds. Our minds are free to play in dreams and anything goes. No reason to feel bad about it. :)

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