
I had a disturbing dream, my mother was drinking blood with my stepfather?

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and we were changing the carpet for some reason, I don't have a good relationship with my mum, but I hated her so much when I saw her enjoying blood and eating a person, I was terrified, and the person I think was my uncel who is dead years ago, I am so angry still even if it was a dream, It made me hate her even more

please tell me what it means, I hate scary movies, and I havn't read a horror book in ages




  1. I'd lay off eating cheese before going to bed - I learned long ago that that gave me alarming and ridiculous nightmares.  Lobster does the same.

  2. Probably nothing... I had a dream the other day that my dead grandfather came to visit me on holiday and I had pics taken of us and when I got home and had the developed he had a brilliant white light around him. Sounds like something meaningful, yes? The dream continued that I rang my dad to tell him about it and........ Ronnie Corbett was there! Dream ruined!

    I have wierd dreams about giant whales and killer kangaroos all the time. sometimes it does feel too real not to be true tho?!

  3. it's nothing just your mind is playing with you..actually you hate her so much that your mind portrate her as witch and she is eating your uncle...may be you love your uncle and that's the perfect reason to hate her even more..and don't hate anyone otherwise you will be like them only...cuz the people you hate are more into your mind rather than the beloved don't worry and stop hating your mother...

  4. Whenever you hear your mother and stepfather discussing family members critically, you feel angry because she is "cutting up" family members with a man who is not related to you by blood and you feel she is being disloyal to do so.

    You feel as the two of them are "drinking the blood" of your family.  They are "biting and devouring" people you love.  If you and your mom were discussing these people, and you both agreed about it, you wouldn't feel this way, but when she is attacking and including your stepfather, you see them as a couple of vampires or cannibals.

    I'm guessing you were changing the carpet because it was bloodstained.

    I see why you have struggles with depression and feel the need to live away from home.   You were probably "drained" of joy and energy in this atmosphere.   I pray that God will heal your wounded spirit and give you strength.

  5. It means nothing.  It from the divil.  You seem very angry with your mother , so it express what in your depth.   Don't worry my beby.

  6. Well the carpet bit I think is that you see her as not providing a good and safe place to go when you need comfort.  The blood drinking I feel is because you see her as selfish. Taking care of her own needs before yours. Not taking you or your feelings into consideration.  This is  your subconcious turning over your troubled thoughts. It give us symbols of our emotions.

  7. go to they have a dream interpretor. might not mean anything. let me know how you get on.......

  8. This relates to the fact that your mother and step father gain their money in an illicit manner, that's the blood drinking.  The eating a person refers to her slanderous and backbiting ways.  If you think it's your uncle then it means that there has been bad talk about him by way of those people eating the flesh.  Not good.


  9. did she once say somthing like "he's pissing me off so much im going to kill him" it just your mine heard one thin and now is waiting fot it to happen

  10. i think in your mind you were just finding reason to hate her and it worked because you thought of something your mom could do and it made you angry. How you thought of your uncle's blood, maybe you heard his name that day and watched a scary movie later.

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