
I had a dream I spoke to a clairvoyant and I saw my guardian angels & spirit guides? Kinda scary haha.?

by Guest65284  |  earlier

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I read that they show themselves to you in your dreams sometimes.. and I just had a dream last night of a little boy who was a gifted clairvoyant, and he told me he sees my spirit guides and that I have two of them. They are both snakes. One being female, one male. I remember the female being named "michelle".

Ever since I was younger, I have always had dreams of snakes.. I also saw a psychic who's a clairvoyant (ability to see angels/spirits) and she told me I am very intuitive, and I need to follow my natural intuition and listen to my dreams.

Do you think this is possible that they are trying to make themselves present to me? Or is it just sheer coincidence I always have dreams of snakes?




  1. snakes represent lies and deceit.  please remember that.  everyone

    has different spiritual gifts.  They are given by God.  If you are seeing snakes in your dreams, it is either deception or a warning from God.

    demons lie.  Please ask God for clarity.  you probably are very intuitive, but without knowing God and how to use it, it can be

    deceptively dangerous.  

    please be careful.

    God bless.

  2. A snake is never a good sign. It's a symbol of deception and evil. The dream could be trying to tell you that this woman was actually a liar and deep down you know it.

    Was the boy in any way familiar? Creepy or welcoming? The fact that you have always had a connection with snakes could certainly be coincidental, but what do snakes represent to you? If you like them then the meaning changes, I am only working from stereotypes.

    I think that you have been thinking of this woman lately and that you desperately want to believe what she was saying, true or otherwise. I don't think that there is any significance to this dream at all unless it occurs again.

    I hope I helped.

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