
I had a dream I was being chased by a demon dog of some sort when i got to a Church and cried out to god it?

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stooped. When i entered the Church they were having some sort of funeral I guess But the strange thing was they had heavy metal music playing and when they saw me the shoved me out of the front door. Also recently I have been waking up for no reason out of a deep sleep and running down the halls like I have to get out of the room or something and seeing shadows of things that scare me I cant explain them but its like I catch them out of the corner of my eye. I don't do drugs I have been clean for 3 years now and I do drink but not allot. Could this be a sign from god that I need to get back on the right path? Or is there something else going on here? I believe it is the first but I want to know your thoughts. Thank you for your time.





  2. This could be a sign from God and if it is then what you need to do is sit down and pray about it. No one can make the decision for you. This could also be telling you that the church you are in right now may not be the church for you. Try a new church if things get better then stay, but if things get worse then keep trying new churches until you are happy and things start to get better.

  3. I believe God wants you to go somewhere were you feel comfortable with other believers who can help you get on and stay on the right path.

  4. Yeah, God is definitely telling you to get back on the right path.  The demon dog you saw in your dreams represents a immoral issue or issues which are trying to chase you down and attack your life.  Dogs biblically represent sinful and unclean issues and can be people that you know.  It sounds like there are some issues which are hounding your life and the Lord is telling you to reach out to him.  Also, the part about the people shoving you out of the church.  It sounds like there might have been a church which was spiritually dead (that's why they were having the funeral).  Also, the heavy metal music represents a worldly influence in that place.  The demons in that place recognized that the call of God was on your life and they wanted you out of there.

  5. God IS calling you to himself, but you are also being harassed by evil spirits.   There are still some things in your life that are opening the door to them, giving them the right to harass you.  I'm guessing pornography.  Or something occult.  It could be your choice of music.

    The funeral either means you need to die to something (sinful habits) or it means you are dead spiritually because of these things in your life.  The heavy metal music may be a key to where the oppression is coming from.  It might mean this is separating you from fellowship with God because of the message it carries of the supernatural entities involved in it, as much of metal music is produced by people who are involved in occult activity and tuned in to satan rather than God.

    This is just not speculation on my part.  I've been involved in spiritual warfare in cases like this, so I know what I'm talking about because of personal experience even in my own home.  Only God can deliver.  Once they are gone, do not let them back in or they will bring their pals with them and you will be the guest of honor at their demonic parties.  They love to taunt and inspire fear, and you will be their party game.

    Visit my website for more information, and if you need more help, let me know.  Pray to God to get you back on track!

    God bless you,


  6. The only evil spirits harassing you are of your own design. They cannot have any more power over you, other than that which you give them. Confront them and demand they tell you what they mean.

    The demon dog is a figure of your shadow self. A part of you you've supressed or denied. It could include desires, memories, aspects of your personality and so forth. Keep this image in mind. Remember your dreams may be scary but they cannot hurt you. Before you go to sleep tell yourself that you will confront any scary aspects and ask them what they mean. You might be suprised.

    The church incident I think means you don't belong with a certain crowd. It could be spiritually motivated, maybe not. But the fact you got kicked out means you weren't suppose to be there. It might also represent that you are looking to God for the wrong reasons. Remember God only helps those who help themselves.

    The rest of you said sounds like you have been suffering from night terrors. I cannot tell you why you are having night terrors as there are simply too many reasons they could be happening. Once in adulthood the main cause of night terrors is post traumatic stress disorder. You mentioned not doing drugs and not drinking so much, but it sounds like you are still either drinking regularly or engaging in other behaviors that could be negative. Drinking will not help your night terrors and can make the problem worse.

    Is this dream a sign of God? I am not a prophet so I cannot tell you if it is or is not and nor can anyone else. Only you can figure that out. If you believe it was, then it was. But perhaps it wasn't a sign from God and just your mind showing you what you need to see.

  7. It was not a Church if they were playing heavy metal music...although...I guess some Heavy Metal music is being played now by christian rock groups.

    Stop drinking caffeine before going to bed.

    You are getting back on the right path already...just keep fallowing it on and on and are there,,,just keep on from now on..

    You may stumble into the wrong little church house (place) now and then, but people will be there to escort you on ..

    Read the Bible there are online Bible sites...

    Read Revelation chapter one verse three and get blessed by just reading it...

  8. So there we are, the spirit again, busy at its work.  Many eerie spiritual  happenings occur during sleep, not only dreams of the dead but of the living and yesterday and today and tomorrow.  Dreams are only three:  the prophetic from God, foretelling or guiding, those from the self, a playing out of everyday events, feelings, sights, etc.., and those from the devil, the nightmares and paralysis, when those entities from the spirital world come to play with us.  Many see, hear and feel realities unlike anything that ever happens in a state of awareness.  Some leave their bodies and wander around, some float, some hear voices, whispers, some sense the presence of something malignant and evil nearby, something squatting in the corner of the room.  Some see costumed personages walking around their bed or houvering over them.  Some feel their bodies probed with hands, their bodies pulled, pressed upon.  Great anguish and great ecstacy can be felt, all while "dreaming"..  Yours seems a dream from the devil.  You could interpret it as a sign from God as you have neglected giving thanks and remembering your blessings thus you have made yourself prey to demons, particularly the jinn.  I say this because of the dog business.  Remember God and get on the straight and narrow.

  9. Maybe evil spirits are drawing you to church that is not a good church, and you are getting a warning about this.

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