
I had a dream.. a long dream.. need to know what it means.?

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I had a dream, that i was in a line-up with my friend to go down a big swirly slide and we wanted to get in line first. they were letting all the other people go first because it was their birthdays. so me and my friend climbed across the playground and for somereason didn't want to touch the ground. a girl later stopped me as i was on my way there. she started to seduce me and than a man came out, the ground turned into water, and he drowned her for seducing me and let me go to the water slide.. when i got to the top there were a load of what seemed to be homeless saving babies from being drowned. than i woke up. what does this mean?




  1. Ok so I looked some things up for you, hope your in the mood to read lol. here you go:


    Water is a very common but powerful dream symbol. Its meaning varies with the details and the mood of the dream. Water is a deeply spiritual symbol representing the "water of life" or the "flow of life." Large bodies of water usually represent our unconscious minds or/and soul experiences. Water symbolizes emotions (rough, smooth, clear, murky, etc.). Freud thought that since fluids are involved in sexual activities, at times, water in dreams has sexual connotations.

    *Dreaming about drowning is common and it invokes fear. However, it may have positive significance. This dream suggests to the dreamer that he may be overwhelmed by unresolved emotions, old issues, or a current crisis. It suggests that a release of the old is necessary in order to emerge and begin anew. This dream serves to awaken the dreamer to embrace and to effectively cope with problems and negativity in his life.


    Many people from time to time will have babies or small children in their dreams. If these newborns are strangers to you, you can assume that they represent you. You are the baby and the dream is telling you something about your development in a particular area of your life. At times of great change and renewal, a baby may appear in a dream and represent your potential and a new beginning. Some of the meaning of the dream may be obtained by considering what the baby looked like and was doing. Generally, babies represent innocence and are symbols of the purest form of a human whose possibilities are endless. However, if the babies appearance is odd, and if your interactions with it are bizarre or unusual, you need to consider your own well-being (psychologically) and think about what personal experiences and psychological hang-ups have prevented you from growing.


    Our dreams are full of symbolism with their messengers being all different types of people. It is very common to dream about our friends. These are individual that are emotionally valuable to us and we learn about ourselves through them. Dreams are very rarely prophetic, thus whether your dream was good or bad, don't expect it to come true. This dream is more than likely attempting to bring up uncomfortable feelings that you have about yourself or others. (Remember "uncomfortable" does not necessarily mean bad.) Dreams are created by our own thinking processes, our own thoughts (conscious or unconscious) create dreams, thus, the mind that created the dream also knows its meaning!!!

    *Amusement Park

    This dream may be pointing to one of your perceptions about life or be symbolic of life itself. You may see some parts of your life as lively, interesting, adventurous and entertaining. On the other hand, depending on the details of the dream you may see yourself as being on a wild ride, where nothing is terribly serious and life is a perpetual "roller coaster ride." If you have been dealing with a significant amount of stress in your daily life or have been overworked, this dream may be a form of compensation. The dream's message may be to encourage you to find time for fun and relaxation as well as to remind you that life is full of ups and downs and that a light-hearted attitude may be a refreshing change.


    The interpretation of seeing and interacting with a stranger, or strangers, in your dream depends on the details of your dream and on your personal belief system. Some Eastern cultures believe that the strangers in your dreams are spirits from another dimension. These spirits may be teaching you lessons or giving you specific messages. The more modern approach to interpreting a dream with strangers in it is that they represent different sides or unfamiliar aspects of our personality. The best way to tell is to "check inside" of yourself and simply try to understand the message of this dream. Whether the message is coming from your unconscious or from a different reality might be irrelevant. The lessons gained through a dream are far more important then where they came from. Just remember: The mind that dreamt the dream also knows its source and meaning (and that is YOUR own mind).

  2. that fist answer is way to complicated and over dramatic, it just means you have a really creative mind! you should write a story or something!

    don't get all freaked out by dreams, just have fun with them!!

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