
I had a dream about 2 tigers that were supposed to be mine but were afaid to go near them because afraid?

by Guest61483  |  earlier

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of being bit or eaten and they knew I was afraid of them and were angry. What does this mean?




  1. You have a strong fear of tigers. Or dislike cats.

  2. A need to overcome self doubt and not listen to that  voice inside when it tells you you can't do something. I feel after you have turned something down or given up you feel disappointed with yourself and that just creates a viscious circle. There must be  a situation just happened or about to where this is an issue. Break the chain and go for it. You will surprise yourself.

  3. Something in your life appears to be the master of you when it should be the other way around.

    Tigers of course can represent power and danger.  They are beautiful cats - to be admired.  But they can be too hot to handle - you would be quite rational to have fear.

    But it would not be good for the creature to sense that fear if you were locked-in a cage with them, now would it?  This suggests something in your life that you must come to grips with and face up to the thing with determination and no fear.  

    That there are two mainly implies 'power' - not necessarily that there are two things there.  One can clobber while the other is being dealt with - so the problem or issue may be complex or multi-faceted.  That would affect your planning needs and how you execute your resolution when the time to face this with action does come.

    Consider these points.  Of course only you can really know the context in which it may fit, but these things are well suggested by what you have written.

    All the best to you.

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