
I had a dream about a lion...?

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The lion was in a cage, but it escaped and it didn't seem like it wanted to hurt anyone. The people who were there were trying to hurt it because they thought it would attack. I was scared, but I wanted to help it... I have always kinda liked Lions... Please don't answer unless you really know what this means!




  1. The Lion in your Dream has to do with Yah as in Rastafarian, who meditate on Ganja or Weed. I have been accepted as a brother by Rasta's in my home town, and we blow a solid 10 hours of Reggae Church through the Town and The Web on Sundays.

    Thanks for the Message in your Q. It means for Rasta's that their Shaman are free to go but still not safe, from injunctions  preventing us to smoke, and make it illegal, punishable WWI fines etc. .Common people also look at us with suspicious minds, and that hurts too.

    We are a Tolerant kind, that believe :"Live and let Live.:":

    Given the Time we live through right now, I think your Dream was a Message from you Higher Consciousness to get into the Spirit and Become One With All and in AL.

  2. The dream suggests there is someone in your life whom others consider dangerous for you.  You are also cautious but want to pursue the relationship even though you are afraid of what may happen.  The dream indicates at the very least you need to be careful on how you proceed.

    Let me know if this helps.

  3. Dictionary of Dreams by Rose Inserra has a section on animals and what different animals mean, here is what it says for lions,

    Lion: The lion is a symbol of strength, power and courage. If you dream of fighting with a lion and win without being either hurt or killed, you wlil be successful in your present struggle. A lion is also known as 'the king of the jungle' and as such, stands for the ego. The dream needs to be interpreted in the light of its outcome.

    Now for cage..

    Cage: Dreams of caging a wild animals suggest the desire to overcome threatening obstacles, whether they come from otheres or from within yourself.

    So maybe your dream is saying that you have over come an obstacle with your courage and bravery. Or that you will in the near future even though others may try to stop you or make it harder for you to do (hense ppl trying to fight the lion)

    That is just what i got out of the two definitions but maybe you can find something else out of it

  4. It means that there is someone you know who is viewed as dangerous, but just wants to be left alone, but people won't leave them alone because they fear them, and you feel sorry for them and want to help them.

  5. Please see the web site link. You have male aspects that are inside you trying to get out. Perhaps you have a father or male figure that you admire. You like the feeling of power and royality associated with the lion. Read the web site link and figure out who you were dreaming about?  good luck. LJK.

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