
I had a dream about another man?

by  |  earlier

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I've been in an extremely loving and stable relationship for 18 months. My partner is near-perfect and I'm completely content. But last night I had a dream that I split up with him and got together with this man I previously hated (but am now finding myself attracted to??!) I saw him today (the man from my dream) and felt really attracted to him. It is worrying me. What should I do/think?




  1. something is "rotten in denmark" sounds like you want out of that relationship. Follow your instincts.

  2. Most of our dreams are based on what we subconsciously think about.You might have had feelings for the guy but just didn't want to deal with them.Maybe stopping to hate the guy evoked feelings which wouldn't have been evoked if you continued to hate the guy.You shouldn't destroy a good thing going between you and your partner,the best way is to forget about "the man from your dreams".

  3. well it just depends on which guy yu like the most.

    and make sure yu know that yu liek the other guy

    if yu like the other guy more you should break up with the guy yu are with because that is not fair for yur boyfriend

    goodluck =]

  4. talk to someone about it that is close to you

  5. be careful. Don't let a dream convince you of feelings that might not be real. I have dream a lot about different guys. Is normal. ufff about friends, celebrities.....but when I see them it doesn't mean that I have feelings.

    just meditate about it before loosing a great relationship

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