
I had a dream about going out to dinner?

by Guest63070  |  earlier

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Last night i had a dream about this girl that i love (shes been on and off friends with me for two years now since we started fighting; we were bestfriends for 2 before). i went to dinner with her and our friend. she was sitting across from me and he was sitting next to her. conversation was pretty much small talk and then we talked a little about what we were gonna do about being friends and such. and thats it. what does this mean?




  1. Dreams can be true or false, symbols or tell it as it is's. his one sounds real and tell as is's. What was in the WHOLE conversation (said) could mean something. But it sounds like you like her, but you think he likes her to and is winning her attention. About the being friends part, you also might think she wants to be just friends. You need to analyze whats happening in real life and do something about it.  

  2. Sadly, It doesn't mean anything.

    Dreams don't connect to the real world.

    Before I thought dreams tell you something but I'm not sure if it's true?

    so probably it's trying to tell you somethin?!  

  3. it could mean many things...try to figure out the key words and concepts and check them in a dream dictionary that you can find on line--or right below in my sources section

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