
I had a dream about my daughter being in a car accident??

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I had a dream that my daughter was in a car accident. I saw her in the backseat, and a guy and girl were in the front seats. I saw the other car crash, and I saw my dead daughter on the side of the road with blood down her face. She had asked me the night before if she could go to a friends house, could this be a sign to not let her go to her friends house?




  1. NO, NO, NO, i hate having these types of dreams, and if i do get them, i try everything in my power to not fufill it.

    Invite the friend to your house.

  2. Listen to your dreams and dont let her go, she will be upset but will get over it, better safe than sorry......

  3. i would take it as a sign. i mean only cuz i am that kind of person. but it also could be just that your are very worried and been thinking about it....and it caused you to have a nasty dream about it.

  4. Do what u think is right! i know sometimes ppl see dreams and they come true... but u never know maybe don't let her go and just tell her friend another time or something i really dont know its your decison

  5. Some scientists believe that humans can subliminally foretell the future. The brain is so complex in that it can put things together and sum up the consequences without you knowing. I know that this can sometimes be true. Like when you were asked a question a few days ago, and the answer just comes up now without you knowing. Your brain is always constantly working.

    God forbid anything happens like that in your dream.

    I always say, "I love you" and "see you" to my loved ones before I go off someplace. I never know if I'm actually going to see them again.

    Tell your daughter, "with freedom comes responsibility" and talk to her.

  6. She is being taken on a path that is not in her control and will start a new life that will be taking too much life force from her.

    just a guess!


    Im sorry for the scare! (shivers)

    plz help>

  8. I would imagine this is a common fear for parents with driving age children. Fears will often work their way into your dreams.

  9. you know i am a christian and i have a feeling the rapture is comming.

    i am 13 years old and i say maybe let her go next weekend and let this kinda die down a little.

    i know you wont want to listen to a 13 year old but i am just trying to help.

  10. Sounds more like you are afraid that something will happen to her while she is away from you.

    This is why the body was across the road.

    Then again, I'm not Dionne Warwick.

  11. no it's just a dream. if you worried about her safety while driving have a talk and make sure she is careful when driving. other than that it's just a dream.

  12. no its just paranoia

  13. Are you superstitious? I heard that dreaming someone died is a sign that someone is pregnant. I've actually had many times when this was the case. In fact, a few months ago, right before my older daughter found out she was pregnant, my younger daughter dreamed my son died.

  14. Too many variables:

    If you feel very insecure about this situation, drive her yourself.

    Logically, there should not be a problem.

    Superstitiously, you may want her to stay home.

    Through dream analysis: it may be something that worried you throughout your previous day, perhaps an insecurity, or perhaps just nothing at all....

  15. Everything happens for a reason.

  16. I'm not entirely sure, but you should always trust your instincts. I dont  have a good feeling about it at all, and I don't even know you. If your dream was that vivid, I strongly advise you not to let your daughter go. She may be planning to do something you wouldn't allow, and its always better safe than sorry. If she gets mad at you, dont dwell on it. She doesnt know what could have happened had she gone...

    And imagine if she does go. And the accident happens. How would you feel then?

    Again, better safe than sorry.

    Hope this helps :)

  17. It could be a sign, however, why don't you pray about this.  If your daughter is truly meant not to go then it won't happen.  But don't just depend on it being that way.  I would suggest that you pray, and go with what you feel.  If you feel that cautious tell her to stay home.

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