
I had a dream about my ex-wife. what does it mean?

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Last night i had a dream in which i received a letter from my ex-wife saying that she still loves me. This dream surprised me since I haven't spoken to her and received any news from her in a long time. Any ideas what could it mean? i'm curious




  1. usually if you dream of an ex it means that your subconscious has late them go,or gotten over them in other words your mind has finally let go of your feelings for her.It is a good thing.

  2. To me it's just a dream. I've dreamed of my ex husband and woke up wondering why since he was such a jerk. Don't dwell on it- you'll just make yourself go crazy.

  3. Maybe you want that to happen! Even if you don't want her back! Do you???

  4. absolutely nothing as far as im concerned. people get lots of weird dreams that seem to have a meaning (and some that don't), but when it comes down to it they are simply dreams - random things that you did or thought of during your day, put together by your mind.

  5. it is just a dream

  6. That's funny I had the same dream with your ex-wife telling me she still loves me..........Wake up man! It's only a dream, remember all the horrible times you spent with her and thank the big guy upstairs that she is gone!!

  7. Actually, I believe, A Dream is just a Dream. You imagine and dream about a lot of weird, or different things in a Dream. It doesnt necessarily mean anything...Unless, you really do still have feelings for her, and maybe she actaully really does still love you. I think that this is a question that only you can answer, depending on how you feel about your ex-wife.

  8. subconscious desire. You still love your wife or wish she still loved you. Give her a call and remove all doubt.  

  9. If you have thought of her lately that is probably why.  Otherwise it's just a random dream.

  10. And why should you think this one means any more than some bizarre dreams you've had? The mind works on all sorts of notions while you sleep. This one could be triggered by just an idle passing thought. I wouldn't start checking the mail expecting hr letter.  

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