
I had a dream about petting a black panther and seeing a lot of huge wild animals?

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I dreamt I was hiking with my sister and all of a sudden saw a mountain lion cub and freaked out thinking oh no wears mama. I walked away and when i looked back i saw the cub walkig with its mom and passing them walking towards us was a huge black panther. I stopped for some reason and made a noise i make when I talk to my cats and the panther started walking up to me. It was rubbing against me just like a cat and i started petting it. My sister and I were both petting it and then started walking away. I saw other hikers and freaked out and told them to go back because there were big cats. When I looked back i saw tons of different big cat species and two ginormous grizzly bears and one jumped into water to catch a fish.




  1. Its just a whacky dream

  2. A black panther is an very elegant cat, so maybe it is an unconscious wish for a certain kind of partner or it could be you totem animal contacting you ;)

  3. Really, did you see any pink elephants? Or opposums wearing pajamas?

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