
I had a dream about walking through a mansion?

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It was strange, I had a dream where there was this elegant fortess by the ocean that had a full sized light house in it...Similer to this one but wooden and painted white. In a different dream about ten minutes later, I was driving with my friends in a van that we travel in and I was like "hey, see that mansion over there...I was in it" then I suggested if we wanted to go inside so we did. It was the same building but looked different. So we just invited ourselves in and the maids just greeted us like we lived there, and the owners werent present either. We were going through the house looking for the lighthouse but couldnt find it. Just the way my friends acted showed there real life personality in dream so well. After looking for awhile we were in a childrens room, on the ceiling was a repleca of part of the Sistine Chapel. So I pushed on the ceiling and found a secret compartment. There was crumpled newspapers for posibly insulation inside so i closed it and continued on. We were worried that the vans were going to leave without us so we went into the dining room before we left. (this was the most vivid part) I remember the elegance of it so well. And on every plate was a pink taffy covered in sprinkles that the maids offered to us. So I grabbed it and ate it. It was a very good dessert. We ran out and left.

Thoughout the whole house the song "Frère Jacques" was playing. It sounded like feist or Yael Naim. It was probably in sounthern california because there were palm trees and it was sunset on the ocean. Which is strange because I have never been there and have little desire to go there.




  1. This explicates the state you are in.  You are momentary content, enjoying yourself, a person who fancies the more aesthetic things in life.  Spiritually, you are also content with yourself, suffice your thought about religious matters, however, like the used newspaper, your store of religious knowledge is unused.  You take no action upon your religious knowledge, simply a person who has it, is considering to enrich or enhance it but has neglected it.. This is a good dream, particularly, the eating of sweets as you will soon receive some prosperity in your life.  


  2. it means that ur gonna be rich in a few!! lol honestly i tink it means ur gonna get it good

  3. okay then you have fun with thatt!  


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