
I had a dream and the next day................ (coincidence??!)?

by  |  earlier

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so a few days ago i woke up after having a crazy dream that i had rolled my care (i'm only 16 so it rattled me a bit). i wasn't hurt or anything.

the next morning, i found out that a girl a few years older than me was in a head on collision and didn't make it.. she died the night i had the dream.

could this mean anything? or is it just coincidence?

thanks for your insight!




  1. I think that we actually exist in a Matrix-like environment. The dream could have been a glitch, and you may have actually experienced that poor girl's last moments on this planet in the form of a dream. Either that, or it was just a coincidence.

  2. Happens to me all the time.  Lots of Dejavu moments, for sure.  So, you're not the only one!

    Let's just say the big guy is looking out for you! :)

  3. coincidence

  4. my ex boyfriend used to have crazy dream like that too. he would tell of things happening in his dream & then a couple of days later he would be in the exact same situation. i've had a couple of experiences like that myself. you know it could be God trying to tell you something.. like that could of been you & to be thankful for the little things in life. is it coincidence? i dont know but trust me, its happened to plenty of people.

  5. probably not , but it could be the spirit of the girl crying out in the night . or it could be that god was giving you a hint to watch how you drive in the future. be careful . wear your seatbelt.


    not saying you do but I have a young daughter who is only 2 and I  hate hearing about a tragedy such as this.there

    is a fatal crash in this country every few seconds so don't put too much into the coincedence, but keep alert and keep your eyes on the road.

    god bless you

  6. hi. well i don't know. things like this have been known to have happened before but i don't quite understand what you mean about "had rolled your care" it could just be a coincidence but it could also be something more unexplainable. my mother has ESP and i think i might have inherited some because i am always having de ja vu's and had experienced some strange behavior before.

    hope this helps :)

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