
I had a dream but i don't know what it means?

by  |  earlier

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well i had a dream that i was going in my house on my way to sit down on the bed because my water had broken, n my mom was there to help me and so was my sister...incase ur wonderin im 30 weeks n 5 days pregnant. but out of the no where i just had that dream. it was crazy. and in the dream when my water broke supposely i had to wait like 5 days because i wasn't fully dialated.




  1. This is a normal dream for a pregnant woman. It sort of helps with preparation.

    The theme of the dream is that your mind will be ready to have the baby before your baby is ready, and that is common with nearly all moms.

    Congratulations! Get a lot of rest now because it will be scarce in a few more weeks.

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