
I had a dream .....can someone help me please??

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I had a dream it was a picture of a clock but where the 12 usually is there was a BIG number 8 and right underneath it there was a little number 12 and the hands where on them both but looked faded......Can someone help me with this, what does this mean??




  1. o no... i have this dream at it says... that means your g*y... yep it says the big number 8 means your extra g*y. it being on a clock means your time is coming that your g*y.  

  2. u have too get up early and sleep ealy thats wat your body is trying 2 tell u

  3. it means get off your *** and buy a new clock, that one is obviously broken duhh....

  4. To see a clock in your dream, signifies the importance of time or that time is running out. You may be feeling some anxiety of not being on top of things. Your mind may be preoccupied with a deadline that you have to meet or some other time-sensitive issue. It is time for you to tread on and speed up your actions. Alternatively, clocks are representative of death, especially if the clock has stopped. This is a common theme for the terminally ill or the dying.

    To dream that a clock is moving backwards, parallels the way that your life is going. Instead of moving forward and progressing toward your goals, you feel that you have not made any significant accomplishments. You feel you are stuck in a rut.

    A clock seen in your dream may also symbolize the ticking of the human heart and thus is indicative of the emotional side of your life.

  5. maybe something that fate has decided is trying to say that something is going to happen either good or bad or even both...... ok now that sounds kind of chessy.

  6. The dream Clock, as you would guess, deals with time. Specifically, the Clock may indicate that you are afraid that life is moving by you, or things are moving too fast. When you are dreaming about a clock, time is an obvious issue. You may be currently experiencing anxiety in regard to a time-sensitive situation. For example, people worry about their "biological clock" running out, or they are concerned about not being "on top of things." In general, however, this dream may be a reminder that you need to speed up your actions and that time is an important factor. Old dream interpretations say that if you hear a clock strike, (or alarm go off), positive things will happen to you, and if you are winding a clock, you will fall in love! When interpreting this dream, try to remember the time and then attempt to understand how those numbers are meaningful to you.

    Eight stands for power of authority, success, karma, material gains, regeneration, and wealth. When the number eight appears in your dream, trust your instincts and intuition or problem solving;

    All of this is, however, just general, dreams mostly have whatever significance you assign them in your mind, if eight is significant to you in some way specifically it's more applicable.

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