
I had a dream help define?

by  |  earlier

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i had a dream about a killer snake and i had to kill him is there a reason for that dream i've had it more than once is it telling me something




  1. well not really, some ppl dream the future but they only realize they had a dream about it as it happens so actually theres no reason.

    we all dream strange things.

    I dreamed I being chased by a dog once. lol

  2. Don't eat spicy food before sleeping, Don't watch anymore anaconda movies they seem to freak you out. The list goes on and on.

  3. ya  u killed it  

  4. You're facing your fears.

  5. when you have a inner frustration on something or that you are mortally afraid of something, that forms an imprint on your subconscious mind and it results in dream.

    dont think too much about your dreams and dont try to interpret your dreams, they are mean nothing frankly.

    they are just dreams.

    unnecessary interpretations may lead to fears and unwanted preassumptions. whatever you dream, if its gud, remember it, if its bad throw it out of your mind.

  6. I think dreams always tell us something.  You would have to look at what a snake means to you.  It sounds like there is something that you are doing that you need to curtail, maybe something that is harming you...  Or there is an urge you are afraid of expressing and you keep repressing it.  It is your dream, and you have to interpret it for yourself.  If nothing seems to mean anything, before you go to sleep, tell your inner self that you want more clarity.    

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