
I had a dream.. it felt so real, interprete pls?

by Guest66779  |  earlier

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i had a dream but there really wasnt any images.

it felt real though, nobody was in it including me.

there were rock music playing in my head and I've never even heard of them. it was really loud and it felt so real like someone had put headphones on my head.

there was a mix of music sounded like bob marley mixed w/ soft rock. and other rock songs ive never heard of...

can you please interprate this. its okay if you cant

this happend twice in one week.




  1. Sounds like your love of music coming out in your dreams.  I know what you mean about how real it feels, every time I dream its like that for me.

  2. this happened to me kind of once.

    i was dreaming that i was at a linkin park concert, accept,

    every word came out correct and i didnt even know some of the words! and because i knew it was a dream i told myself 'this is crazy wake up!' and when i woke up i realized my ear was right over the pillow where i set the speaker to play music all night. did you hear a certain song while u were sleeping?

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