
I had a dream last night where two demons said they controlled me. Should I be concerned?

by  |  earlier

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The dream seemed much more real than any dream I've ever had before.




  1. Dreams belong to sleep.

  2. To me this could be an adverse reaction to all the Televised 2008 election campaigns.

    your parents were right about watching too much TV..

  3. I wouldn't be to concerned its just a dream after all..and although dreams do have meanings in real life they usually dont have much to do with what they appear to be.

    Its is completely unlikely that you have demonds in your body XD something is probably just bothering you .

    if just for laughs you want to look up some dream "meanings" this is a good site

  4. If i were you id be pretty freaked out. It could be nothing, im just creeped out about tthese things. you can talk to a priest or someone if it makes you feel better, probably nothing.

    One question, are you christian??

  5. Some dreams are not meant to dwell on and some are unavoidibly hard to forget but sometimes it's wiser to just let things be and live your life without worrying about these things

  6. Demons are real first of all. I will strongly suggest that you pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. Next pray asking Jesus Christ to remove the demons that might be controlling you. (It is a high possibility that your dreams are real) Then you need to command those demons to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ. If you are still concerned you can ask a pastor to help you.

    In terms of your life is there any possibility that you are giving demons some kind of doorway in your life. Have you dabbled in the occult etc. The reality is that sometimes we do things that can allow demons to ener into our lives. If you have done anything that you know that God is against you need to pray asking Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. You can send me a message if you want and I will provide further assistance if necessary.

  7. You could simply feel, subconsciously, like you're not in control of your own life.  As far as it being demons that are doing the controlling, they could represent your fear.  Perhaps you feel like you're life isn't/won't turning/turn out like you always wanted?

  8. no i wouldnt b worried unless you believe when you are awake that demons are controlling you.....i think dreams are nothing to worry about just your mind wandering

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