
I had a dream of a woman that i really like and cant get out of my head.Does anybody know what it might mean?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to tell this woman that im crazy about her and that i think about her all the time but i am really unsure of what to do.It's not a stupid crush,i really like her,her laugh and beautiful smile.In the dream there was a bus and the two of us but thats all i can remember.I would love to know what it might mean and weather or not i should do something about it in real life.

There are obsticles such as she is nine years older than me,my manager and i hate the way i look and she is so amazingly beautiful that i sometimes think im a fool to think i would ever have the smallest chance of getting her.I really need advice so someone please help.




  1. It means you want to do her.

    Go for it.

    And if she's 9 years older than you, single and over 30, you're home free.

  2. Well, I'm a believer of 'Opposites attract'. So if you're not so handsome and she is very pretty, then you may hit it off.

    But are you sure it's not just a stupid crush?!

  3. it means that you think its time to tell her how you feel about her.

  4. IT MEANS YOU LIKE HER ALOT!!! (and you have to stop holding back & tell her how you feel) DUH!!!!!!!

  5. Hey Spartan.. You sound like a really cool guy. I hate hearing you talk so badly of yourself... I bet you ten bucks all the negative things you say about yourself are false. It drives you crazy to be falling for someone and you don't know what you should do about it. I know how it feels..All these doubts fly into your head, and then you get down on yourself and start actually believing the negative thoughts that it cannot happen. Stranger things have happened my friend. You have probably heard this before, but sometimes you have to take chances in life. If you like her.. Ask her out sometime, casually. But I recommend before doing this.. get yourself into a more positive mind frame. Start loving who you are. And then, other people can start loving who you are because they will see the love you have for yourself.. that is a huge turn on my friend. I know it is hard, because you have been conditioning your mind to think so poorly of yourself. But it isn't true. Those thoughts are false. Erase them from your mind. Let them fly away. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. And if this girl isn't willing to hang out with you.. then make her your friend and trust that it only happened because there is someone else out there waiting for you. I promise that. But that person will never find you if you keep thinking negatively about yourself. You are great just the way you are. Believe it. I know it is hard, and it will be hard for awhile to begin thinking differently about yourself.. but I promise.. if you keep to it.. one day you will break through and you will love who you are. I should probably stop talking so much and let you ponder my answer for you. Keep your head up, ok? Take care...

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