
I had a dream that Barrack Obama wanted me to worship his God; Instead of mines?

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Does he even believe in God? I believe in the God; Who created this world.




  1. He does. That is why he is killing people. He follows the part of the koran that says to kill all that refuse to obey the koran.

  2. he is a muslim i dont really know their beliefs and i have nothing against muslims at all. but you're dream was defintely a weird one...

  3. He is a Christian, he prays to Jesus.  I think the dream is probably a result of the constant barrage of all this he's a secret Muslim garbage.  It's garbage.  If he were a Muslim it wouldn't matter but he's not (I live in Minnesota and supported Keith Ellison, who is a Muslim).  

    That brings up a good question I think I'll post too, is Keith Ellison a secret Christian?  A name like Ellison sounds so Lutheran.  Oh, just looked it up, his parents were Catholic.  Must be a secret Catholic.  Is Congressman Keith Ellison a secret Catholic?

  4. may be its about s*x not god.

  5. I think you got this dream from the ideas in today's news about Obama

  6. Really?  That was your dream?  What happened in it?  Barack Obama came to you and said, "Please worship my God instead of your own"?

    Nothing else?

    I think you made that up.

    As for whether or not he believes in God, that's really none of my (or your) business.

  7. God created this world and whoever doesn't believe that now will believe it when they die.

  8. lol Thats weird. Today i was at a bench with some people at the beach. And a pastor came up and started preaching to us lol. He said a 5 min. prayer while shaking a my friends hand. It was hilarious hahaha.

  9. You weren't dreaming. You were just watching the news.

  10. HEY , CHOLOE !! I have this hunch that ur dream is writen by a laughing12 Yrs old kido, who hasn't passed the 7th grade?

    If he was non-Christian, would his God then be other than Urs? a tone of prejiducy I HEAR.

  11. Yes he is muslim, he beileves in Allah.

  12. then you sir, are seriously disturbed

  13. *cough* media brainwashing *cough*

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