
I had a dream that I stabbed a guy that was trying to go after my kids...?

by  |  earlier

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...First it started out my kids and I were playing in my yard. Then all of a sudden this car starts speeding down my drive way and crashes into the house in front of mine. He gets out and starts walking fast towards my kids and I tell them to both come here. I get them just in time, but he’s still trying to grab them away from me so I stabbed him. Right after I stabbed him we were in this house with a bunch of people and my kids weren't there. He is standing right in front of me and grabs his stomach. He then tells everyone there (which I don't know) "Hey someone just stabbed me!" At that point no one knows who did it, not even him. You can hear everyone talking saying "I can believe someone would stab him! Why would anyone want to stab him?" So I throw the bloody knife that’s in my hand over my shoulder into a kitchen sink full of soapy water.

And that’s all I can remember. What the h**l does this even mean?




  1. Sounds like you are fearing losing your children to the world which you are trying to protect them from.

  2. This dream is a good example of your emotional self and your rational self working together in a dream.  Or at least "acting" together in the dream.

    Perhaps there have been some situations lately where you felt strongly protective toward your kids due to someone mistreating them or being harsh with them.  Or maybe you saw something awful on the news where kids were harmed, and you thought to yourself, "I would KILL anyone who tried to do that to MY kids."

    This is your gut reaction, and you "practice" this repose in your dream.  Maybe so in case it really happens, you'll be ready, Mom! ;- )

    Now, your logical self (poor dear) is appalled at this primitive MOM nature standing up and saying, "I'll KILL him!"  so she has to play out the rest of the dream to see where it goes.  She's thinking, "I could go to jail.  I should just call the police," etc.  So, in the dream, the man is stupid enough to come in the house and say, "Somebody stabbed me!" (which of course, would never happen).  Nobody has a clue who did it, so your logical self decides, "Cool.  No worries!" and handles the bloody knife they way any good Mom/Cook/Homemaker would handle a messy knife.  Casually put it in a sink of soapy water.  Just another busy day, just another bloody knife.

    Teach that creep to mess with MY kids!

  3. The interpretation of dreams are subject to the daily routine on you life...

    Defending your children can be also manifest as helplessness that can only be accomplish in your dream...

    Staving someone or something is tackle down, problems, obstacles and desperation.

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