
I had a dream that I was bitten twice by an agressive snake?

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I was walking through the bush behind a guy I am currently dating. I was right behind him but when i looked to the ground I saw a snake coiled up. I froze when I saw it, but it was too late, the snake then leapt up and bit my leg. I instantly fell to the ground and the snake came back and bit me on the side of the face. The snake was so agressive, almost angry. I never remember my dreams or if i do, they are very blury the next day, but this dream has really stayed with me. Can anyone provide more details?





  2. A snake, being the ages old symbol of evil or satan, makes it a bad omen to have one show up in a dream.

    A lone snake and feel threatened by it shows that you have a bad enemy that is even then working against you, it also a warning against bodily harm from an enemy.

  3. Snake is a ancient symbol of transmutation. The dreamer will soon undergo a vast inner change that will be reflected in her outer life. If the dream is a positive and uplifting one, then good times are ahead. If the dream is a scary one, the times ahead may still be good ones, but the dreamer needs to be very careful of pitfalls along the way.

    Love & Blessings


  4. It means being injured by lies and deception.  You saw it, but it was too late.  Maybe this hasn't happened and it's a warning.

  5. I agree with Kurt.  Also, the bite on the face represents a very personal attack this guy makes on you, OR an attack on your reputation.  


    He will be deadly poison to you.

    Back away, and thank God for this warning!

  6. Your boyfriend is going to hurt you either physically ir mentally not once but twice and by coming back for a second time for the face means you took him back after the first time.

    Most agree your boyfriend is going to hurt you in some way.

  7. You should read The Dream Game by Ann Faraday, it can teach you to easily interpret your own dreams. It's not wise to depend on the interpretations of others since they aren't you and your dreams depend solely on how you perceive things.

  8. I have those details, but you may not like them. The snake in this scenario is phallic, it represents your guy. He is after sexual interaction; aggressively. And what is more in this scenario he is LEADING the way as is indicated by you following him.

    Being bitten on the leg is particularly sexual since the legs merge at the genitals. (I call this associative manifestation because the legs are closely associated with the genitals; it is typical of dreams to talk associatively. We do the same allusive thing in waking when we don’t want to call a spade a spade). Falling to the ground means losing your footing. Why do we say: "I have FALLEN in love?"  Being on the ground and then being bitten in the face is also the sort of position assumed by someone in embrace with a sexual partner. Being bitten in the face is reminiscent of love bites but also of loss of face and being subdued, if not violated. The fact that you froze indicates fear on your part and reluctance to go along with this 'snake in the grass'!!!

    You may not know that in the matriarchal times men were never represented as men, but always as serpents. At such times you would only see images of the Goddess accompanied by one or more serpents. It meant to remind everyone that it was women who were the bearers of life and at the centre of creation with men only providing the trigger to regeneration. Snakes are at the same time icons of the life force that regenerates itself forever which is symbolised by the snake's periodical sloughing of its skin and appearing as a newly-born.

    You remark that you normally don't recall your dreams, but this time you did and clearly. This means that the consequences of this dream will shake you emotionally. Dreams that do not affect your emotions unduly are easily forgotten and as in your case, often 'blurry'.

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