
I had a dream that I was dying ?!? [[ 10 points !! ]]?

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K the first dream was I was getting really weak, and I found out I was dying. Then my immune system was slowly shutting down, and i had a squeaky voice, and I kept saying I was scared.

The second dream was me at school, and I was talking to an old friend, (in real life, i was dethroned off my group as queen-bee by my ex-BFF for being a s**t :/ )

Anyways this old friend was chatting to me sweetly, then she hands me a letter saying I was uninvited to her party. I was disappointed, so i walked away. Then I was at home, and I was on AIM. All of a sudden I get a strange IM from this user named Espanol21 or something. I don't know who it was, so i asked 'who is this.'

and thats basically it.

What do these dreams signify ?




  1. might say your going to die..... or you might have ate a little too much sugar before bed, which has been known to cause nightmares, and i have know idea what to say about the social dilemma

  2. Sounds to me like your subconscience,is trying to tell you something that you should know but are not paying attention to right now.

    Sometimes our inner selfs are very smart indeed.

    You need to pay attention to your actions that affect others and also the way you come across to them.

    Your inner self knows you need to make somekind of change just pay attention to it.

  3. Dying Dream

    Nearly any dream you have that refers to death, dying or attending a funeral, or the like, pertain to change. Most all the time this change is very dramatic and major. It can be change in your life attitude or emotional balance. These types of dreams can also symbolize confronting fear, usually fear of death or change. Since most of use will agree that death is the ultimate change, and many people fear it. Death dreams are generally big changes and should never be ignored. Sometimes they really do signify death! Another possible symbol of a death dream is threat. Whichever suits the dream depends on how well the theme was arrived at. Most death dreams are about major change and not about literal death though, so don't panic if you have one. Just patiently go through the analysis process, and make sense of it.

    To dream that you die in your dream, symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or in your life. Although such a dreams may bring about feelings of fear and anxiety, it is no cause for alarm and is often considered a positive symbol. Dreams of experiencing your own death usually means that big changes are ahead for you. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. These changes does not necessarily imply a negative turn of events. Metaphorically, dying can be seen as an end or a termination to your old ways and habits. So, dying does not always mean a physical death, but an ending of something.

    On a negative note, to dream that you die may represent involvement in deeply painful relationships or unhealthy, destructive behaviors. You may feeling depressed or feel strangled by a situation or person in your waking life. Perhaps your mind is preoccupied with someone who is terminally ill or dying. Alternatively, you may be trying to get out of some obligation, responsibility or other situation.

    death of you- Dreaming that you have died can represent an end of one phase of your life before you enter the next phase, or some aspect of your life situation coming to an end.



    To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself.  The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news.  

    To see your childhood friend in your dream, signifies regression into your past where you had no responsibilities and things were much simpler and carefree. You may be wanting to escape the the pressures and stresses of adulthood. Consider the relationship you had with this friend and the lessons that were learned. Alternatively, the childhood friend may be suggesting that you have been acting in a childish manner and you need to start acting like an adult.

    To see a stranger in your dream, signifies a part of yourself that is repressed and hidden. Alternatively, it symbolizes the archetypal dream helper who is trying to offer some insight and advice.

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