
I had a dream that I was in a department store..?

by  |  earlier

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With my family (My mom, sister, and brother) and this lady was trying to sell me chandeliers and this animated bear that would roll a small paint roller down its face and would leave black and green glittery trails of fabric. Then it would roll it back up and the fabric would roll back onto the roller. If you get what I'm saying? I don't know, the lady told me that I "Should love it because it's just like you". Random dream? Or does it mean something?




  1. Hi,

    hop on to google, and put in dream moods dictionary, they answer almost any dream, and it is a fantastic site, with so many parts to go into, good luck with this and I hope it helps you find what it means.

    I always have odd dreams and i'm forever on that site,.

  2. Dreams usually are a combination of every random thing or events that happen daily.  So it was probably that you maybe went to a store recently which made you appear in an appartment store.  And maybe the paint has to do with your artistic or your favorite colors? Just saying that most dreams dont tie up with meanings when they are this random. Wish i could help more =[

  3. dreams are just random misfiring's of neurons.

  4. ok thats an intresting dream but dont worry its probly random

  5. Im no dream interpretor so im saying its random, esp coz the lady who is trying to seel chandeliers but instead having a bear dont make sense to me at all.

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