
I had a dream that I was in labor and had a baby, I am not pregnant so what does this dream mean?

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I had a dream that I was in labor and had a baby, I am not pregnant so what does this dream mean?




  1. Sometimes pregnancy and labor are a metaphor for a change occuring in your life or about to happen in your life.

    This can be a change in location, job, education, marital/relationship status, ideas, etc.  

    But the best answer is found when you think about what giving birth means to you- is it an exciting thing, a scary thing, an impossible thing?

    Once you know the answer to that, it will give you a better idea of what your brain was acknowledging about the upcoming transition in your life.

  2. That kind of depends. Was it extremely agonizing (to the point where you wanted death) or was it okay? Depending on details such as this would explain whether you were hoping to become pregnant or if you're afraid of it.


  3. Being in labor and had a baby symbolizes responsibilities you are having. In translation, you may be having stress lately.

    The projection of having baby in a labor may suggest that you are having some burden and this kind of symbol always happens on female and you had to vent out your feelings in this dream.

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