
I had a dream that I was trapped in my basement and a man with a goat head beat me up. What does that mean? ?

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I hate these dreams but i get them often.

In the dream the goat man feeds me this weird rice then punches me and then i wake up in real life and i can feel the punch.

what does this dream mean




  1. This dream is trying to tell you that your spirit is real, and to wake up!

    It's time to play final fantasy for real life, with tarutarus scampering across the Texas landscape.

  2. The description of your dream made me lol, I'm sorry I know the experience of it is awful though. Maybe your subconscious feels pressured by school, work, of even friends/family!!

    P.S. Your avatar is very scary!! I hate clowns lol!!

  3. ur mother fed u and punched u in the face

  4. Basement symbolizes your subconscious. Goat-man may symbolize a variety of things, depending upon how you feel/think about goats. His head is that of a goat's, so he symbolizes some mental quality, that is an aspect of your personality-- ie; stubborn as a goat/ 'goat-headed'/ or perhaps cruelty (goat is often associated with 'evil'/the 'devil')-- or goat could symbolize wildness/intractability (goat's associations with the Greek god 'Pan'). Think of a goat, and what it means to you-- describe the qualities that a goat brings to mind, using 4 or 5 adjectives, and you will have a good basis for interpreting the meaning of the goat-headed guy in your dream-- whatever adjectives you choose, apply them to your own personality-- whatever mental quality is represented by the 'goat-head', in your dream, is at once helpful & spiritually nourishing to you, on some level (the rice he feeds you), and at the same time, harmful to you- (the punch in the face).

    For instance: if the goat represents your 'stubborness'... this stubborness may get you your own way, but at the same time, cause people to resent you for it... the rice he feeds you, is 'weird' symbolizing that you are conflicted about it, subconciously-- take stubborness, for example-- you may get your own way, but on some level, you feel that (using this quality to get your own way) is bad for you, or 'weird'/not properly nourishing, for your spiritual development...

    Also: you are trapped in the basement-- symbolizing that subconsciously, you feel 'trapped' by whatever mental/personal quality the goat represents to you.

    So, in short, think about what a 'goat' means to you, and you will know what aspect of yourself you need to work on/ address... good luck, & sweet dreams!

  5. loooooool

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