
I had a dream that a girl was getting raped?

by  |  earlier

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ok well the girl was running then she goes into this room and theres a way older man and he says, " I've been waitng to do this for a long time." the man has an erection and pulls of his pants and walks to the girl. he ripps off his pants and pushes her to the ground but then these people come in the room and try to stop him. the girl screams and the guy is raping her then i woke up. WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS MEAN!!!!




  1. Sorry to have to tell you this but seeing someone raped in a dream has to do with your own feelings about your own sexual dysfunction. Maybe you are having some problems in that area or you are afraid that you will. Good luck.

  2. Someone around you is defenceless and getting hurt. Rape is the ultimate violation of privacy and respect. Perhaps you feel as if someone is being hurt or used and you are powerless to do anything.

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